Spring Break

This two week spring break is coming to an end. It’s a bittersweet moment, as I get done with my break but go into the last quarter of nursing school!! What a whirlwind two years this has been.

Some things that happened during break:

Cousin Sleepover! We had two cousins spend the night for the first time! We watched Frozen (Matt and I for the first time) and I LOVE it!! It is a good movie! We had cheeseburgers for dinner, and made cookies!! When I dropped them off at home the best praise give was “Their house is better then Chuckie Cheese’s” :] So fun!

I am all set up to get chicks, which was supposed to happen Friday, but now will happen when we go to Idaho for a quick trip on the 12th. A few days after Mom’s birthday, which means I really need to figure out a present :] haha. They have a wading pool, a heat lamp, feed, all set up already. So we just need some little squeakers now. I am super excited for when we will be getting fresh eggs!

We have a roof on a outbuilding that will become the chicken coop! Thanks to Uncle Doug :] He saved Matt and I a lot of work and probably some arguments too as to how to put a roof on! That was what happened yesterday. My forearms are sore from hand trimming those stupid blackberry bushes. But it was so worth it! AMAZING PROGRESS!!


I got a horse, named Guy! He needs some work to be really ride-able again, but he is a tame loving horse when you’re on the ground around him, so at least that’s something :] Just hang on when you get on him… but he’s pretty!


Besides all that, I spent a few days in tractors with my husband, I worked out most weekdays with my workout club, I cooked a few things, baked a few things, took a load of scrap metal in, cleaned very little, folded no laundry, and slept a bunch.  It was awesome!

Things I planned on doing but didn’t get to:

Starting seeds inside, moving our oven inside, applying for jobs, applying for the NCLEX (that is happening as soon as we get our next paycheck), pressure washing the house, and naps.




The Difference a Day Can Make

Yesterday we had so much amazing support from family and friends! We are so blessed!
I’ll start with before pictures. This is proof of all the hard work, elbow grease, and diesel that was used and given. The proof that one day can make a world of difference.


And After:

And I can’t wait till we can put yard back here, it’s already so much better!! We can walk all the way around the house! A feat that was not possible just two days ago!!

I can’t thank the people who came out to help enough!! And am so grateful for the friends who will let us borrow equipment and spend their days off working.

House Tour

So it’s about time I take you on a tour of the house!!

A picture tour it is!!

Pardon the mess, we’re still unpacking… and we do live here :]


This is the porch, where everything gets dumped.

This is the porch, where everything gets dumped.

Then we go in the door:
This is the living room.

This is the living room.

And see the thankful tree, wedding pictures, and a living room!!
Also in the living room:
The music corner

The music corner

Off of the living room we have a guest bedroom and a office:
This is the guest bedroom!

This is the guest bedroom!

It's a little messy...

It’s a little messy…

My desk!

My desk!

His desk.

His desk.

Then we go into the kitchen, my favorite part!!
This is when we moved in, so a few things have changed.. .when it's clean I'll take a new picture.

This is when we moved in, so a few things have changed.. .when it’s clean I’ll take a new picture.

From the kitchen is a mudroom/back entry.
house 327
and then a bathroom…
Kinda clean..

Kinda clean..

Next come the stairs of death…
my cousin has already fallen all the way down them, he rounded the corner even.
house 328

house 329
The edges are nice and worn off, so it’s easy to slide off of the steps.
Upstairs is three bedrooms and a bathroom.
So first our bedroom:

I don't see the point in making the bed daily... and we haven't figured out how to set everything up yet.

I don’t see the point in making the bed daily… and we haven’t figured out how to set everything up yet.

Then the bathroom/closet.
This was added after the house was built, so it's an odd bathroom.

This was added after the house was built, so it’s an odd bathroom.

The toilet is back behind the shower... right in front of the window.

The toilet is back behind the shower… right in front of the window.

All the closet’s in the upstairs are weirdly set up, they slope and so to hang clothes would mean that they would have to touch the ground, and we have mice… so the closet got put in the bathroom! I think it has potential!
Then the two other bedrooms that still need a lot of work:
house 334

We have this room set up for when my brother and cousin, or matt's cousins come over :]

We have this room set up for when my brother and cousin, or matt’s cousins come over :]

We have the x-box and a tv in there… the only things boys need to have a good time :] haha.

And that’s the house!!

lights on!

lights on!

It needs a lot of love, but is so amazing!!!

Autumn Leaves

There’s a wonderful song, Autumn Leaves, that goes something along these lines;
The falling leaves, drift by my window.
The Autumn leaves of red and gold.
I see your lips, the summer kisses.
The sunburnt hands, I used to hold.

It’s worth a listen if you haven’t heard it. Eva Cassidy does an amazing rendition of it.
Today my afternoon was spent dealing with leaves. Trucks and trucks of leaves.

See, I wasn’t kidding!!
This was one of a few truckfulls we moved. Well Matt did a lot, I helped some, and mainly I used the leaf blower we borrowed from an Aunt and Uncle! We need to get us one of those things!!
Anyway, here’s some more pictures:



Looking to Spring

Yes, it’s not even winter yet. So what?
We are getting prepared for spring!!
Last weekend? we planted bulbs!! It makes me so happy to know that because of this preplanning we will have gorgeous flowers popping up!!


flower bed



We planted tulips, daffodils, and some crocus that we dug up and just replanted… hopefully will come up!! This was the Saturday before the motorcycle race. So they’ve been in a week now!! I think I’ll plant some garlic in behind where we planted the bulbs because I don’t have a garden yet.

Maybe eventually.

Spring… only a winter away!!